New SolarWinds features in 2019.4

Native SolarWinds Service Desk Integration

In version 2019.4 you can now integrate solarwinds into SolarWinds service desk. Since version 2016.1 you were only able to integrate with ServiceNow, which is another ticketing system.  The integration needs to be done from the Service Desk side. Once SolarWinds is integrated with ServiceDesk, you can have alerts trigger opening a ticket. You can’t close the ticket automatically, you can only open new tickets.

This auto ticket creation on alerts can be very helpful if you have a NOC or helpdesk monitoring tickets. Once the ticket is created it can be assigned to different groups or users in ServiceDesk, then the user can take the ticket from there and fix the issue.

Real-time charts

With  2019.4 we can now view some data in real time.  CPU Load & Memory Usage can be viewed in real time by going to the Node details view and clicking on the vital stats icon on the left bar. You can also view Percent Utilization in real time on an interface. This can be found in the interface details view. Currently, you are limited as to what you can view in real time, which may change in the future.

Here you can see the real time data, this interface has no traffic on it, but this is what the graph looks like.

Device view: Check port status visually

SolarWinds has added support for visually displaying the  interface status and utilization on the device layout for 3 type of switches.

  • Cisco 2960 switches
  • EX 2200 Juniper switches
  • EX 3300 Juniper switches
    *Switch stacks and devices with stackwise images, such as -UNIVERSALK9-M, are not supported.

You need to be monitoring the device via SNMP 

To view the physical layout of the switch, go to the node details view of the node and click the device view subview on the left menu bar.  Here you can.

  • See the status of interfaces on the physical layout
  • Find out more information on individual interfaces
  • Display In- and Out-utilization of individual interfaces

It should look something like the picture below.

If you click on an interface it will open that interface on the right and give you more detailed information about it.  You can also filter it by using any of the radial buttons, Status, In Utilization and Out Utilization. This will give you a visual on each interface showing percent utilization, it is also color coded.

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